Rhythm Matters

Here I think it is important to talk about rhythm. In some ways, the concept of ‘rhythm’ is, in fact, even more important than that of ‘time’. Previously, our physical strength set the limits, which meant that regular pauses were necessary, building a rhythm into our days. Cultural and religious practices, fixed working and meal hours, and even seasonal foods added a broader social framework. Days and nights, as well as the weeks, months, seasons, and years, revolved around fixed points to such an extent that this ‘rhythm’ enabled most individuals to keep track of time. For most of us, that is no longer the case. Today our rhythms vary wildly and are often erratic, if they exist at all. This means our concept of time is much more fluid and we are more susceptible to time pressure of our own making.

Bodil Jönsson

What are we doing to ourselves?

Rhythms of Life – St. Peter's FiresideHave you ever wondered if the way we live in the 21st century is in any way contrary to the way we evolved? I mean for most of human history there was no electric lighting. Think of that; I mean really ponder it. There was no ability to travel long distances in short timeframes. There was no washing machine, or microwave, or juicer, or automobile, or, or, or, or…

I’m certainly not railing against the advances in technology. I’m using them right now to communicate with you. I do wonder though if we take enough time to appreciate how our current way of living may be out of sync with ancient rhythms. How might these ancient ways, and our ignorance of them, change us?

Take light and dark, for example. We know our bodies are connected to the rhythm of light and dark. We also know that 3000 years a go when it got dark, it wasn’t time to watch Netflix. It may have been time to gather around a fire. It may have been time to begin long periods of rest. These periods seem to have been broken up by times of quiet wakefulness.  Should knowing this change at all how we approach the rhythm of light and dark? I mean  I do like my Netflix. But am I sacrificing something important if 21st century rhythms drown out the more ancient ones? It’s certainly with reflection.

This current Aldea Explores Series, The Rhythms of Life, explores what it means to live in rhythm and why it matters. In the first segment, we’ll explore the basic idea of rhythms and why it’s important to honor the. Each week of the series, we’ll provide:

You can also join us each week in April 2021 for a live zoom gathering that explores the weekly topic. These gatherings occur Sunday’s at 10 a.m. PST time. You can also watch the gathering on our stream here on our website at 10 a.m. PST.