“The only time you ever have in which to learn anything or see anything or feel anything, or express any feeling or emotion, or respond to an event or grow, or heal, is this moment., because this moment is the only moment any of us ever gets. You’re only here now; you’re only alive in this moment.” – John Kabat Zinn

How many times have you read or heard words similar to Kabat Zinn’s? Certainly this is not a new idea. We know that this moment is the only moment we have. We know that living in the present is the only possibility. There is no past or future to live in. We can reflect and plan; and both those activities are important. But even those activities must be done only in the present.

Since the present is all we have, how can we better stay in it?

The question above in more simple terms is this: How do we stay put? How do we can we stay put in the moment and in doing so live with more meaning, wisdom, and love. During our upcoming Sunday online gathering (January 24, 2021) we’ll consider a simple but powerful process that can help us stay put in the present. Join us as we wrap up this series and seek to turn fresh starts into regular, even daily, occurrences.