The Stoics of old would not be all that interested in “New Year’s resolutions.” However, I do think they’d be all over “New Day resolutions.” That is, reconnecting to what matters everyday. They did this by suggesting a time each night to replay the day and learn what was and was not worth repeating (behaviors, etc). And then, they would recommit, through meditation and journaling, in the morning to that which matteredĀ most.
We’re currently in a Sunday Series entitled, Begin Again: Fresh Starts In Challenging Times. We’re looking at what it means to start again in any moment – big or small. Join us this week as we consider what it means to have a beginner’s mind. Something the stoics sought to cultivate everyday of their lives.
Ryan Holiday suggests these questions as an end of the day reflection to ready yourself to begin again tomorrow.
  • Did I behave according to my principles?
  • Did I treat the people with whom I interacted with in a friendly and considerate manner?
  • What vices have I fought?
  • Have I made myself a better person by cultivating my virtues?
Here’s to “New Day resolutions. I mean for me waiting three hundred and sixty four days to think about resolutions is far too long of a time. It’s got to be daily for me.
Join us this Sunday as we continue to explore new beginnings.