Aldea Explores Series – Never Arrive: Finding Your Seeker’s Group

The ability to explore life and spirituality with others is a most amazing gift. Think of all it takes for this kind of reflection to occur. We had to learn to talk, reason, relate, listen, share, and shape together. In fact, we’re still learning to do all of those things. The ability to collectively reflect […]

Aldea Explores Series – Never Arrive: Leaving and Losing

Are You a Seeker? Seeking requires that we either leave something familiar or want something desirable.   Life would be impossible without our ability to seek. Whether we need knowledge, connection, freedom, happiness, or transformation, seeking is the required. But have you ever wondered what makes seeking possible? What is the precondition of seeking? What […]

Aldea Explores Series – Never Arrive: Walking the Path of the Seeker

Without Seeking Where Would We Be? There is nothing more central to a spiritual life than to cultivate the posture of a seeker. Can you think of a time you’ve been lost? I mean completely lost and on your own. I remember a time like that for me in the subways of London – at […]

Aldea Explores Series – The Rhythms of Life: The Rhythms of Nature

In pristine places in nature the energy is pure and the vibration is high. As we spend time in nature our energy field is cleansed of excess energies, which helps us to feel lighter, more energized and clear. As we walk barefoot on the earth, sit or lay on the ground, or we dig into […]

Aldea Explores Series – The Rhythms of Life: The Rhythms of Change and Transition

“We resist transition not because we can’t accept the change, but because we can’t accept letting go of that piece of ourselves that we have to give up when and because the situation has changed.” ― William Bridges, The Way Of Transition: Embracing Life’s Most Difficult Moments Is there a change you’re resisting? What if […]

Know Thyself – Week Four: No Going Back

The irony of being human is that to become yourself, you have to lose yourself and then recreate a better version. This “losing and creating” is a lifelong endeavor. To do this, we must take deliberate steps to shun fear and engage growth. Though exciting, growth is also full of challenges, heartaches, fears, and troubles. […]

Know Thyself – Week Four: Be a “Transcender”

I have recently found it more and more useful to differentiate between two kinds (or better, degrees) of self-actualizing people, those who were clearly healthy, but with little or no experiences of transcendence, and those in whom transcendent experiencing was important and even central. Abraham Maslow     Much has been made, and rightfully so, […]