Love - Courage and ...
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Love - Courage and Vulnerability in Action  

Dave Fleming
Member Admin

What will it look like this week for you to be both courageous and vulnerable?  Don't mistake courage for a grand action rivaling a Braveheart scene. These can be small actions, everyday actions, that have enormous power to change you and others. 

Posted : 08/02/2021 5:57 am
Curtis Hagen
New Member

We appreciate the "Forum" you've provided and are glad to have this platform to respond to ZOOM gatherings.

We are particularly grateful to be able to stay in touch with Aldea's presentations via the internet.  This format allows us to pick up each week's ZOOM whenever and mostly wherever our schedules permit.

Now here it is 2021 and ALDEA is working out what it wants to become. . .  A thought:  We, unfortunately are not musicians, but we do the miss the music provided when Aldea used to meet in the physical building in Tucson.  Would it be possible to somehow incorporate some music in your weekly ZOOM gatherings?  Ideally it would be music which would relate to the focus of the main presentation each Sunday.  (Possibly encourage any members musically gifted to share their talents?; or to simply play recordings/CDs/DVDs?; or ???)

An aside, Thank you for sharing yearly financial data.  However, we have paused our donations because personal checks from Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021 sent to Aldea's physical address in Tucson have yet to be cashed.  We'd appreciate guidance on how to proceed sending checks in this new fiscal year.


In response to "The Path of Love":  The personal examples shared by Dave particularly "hit home" for us!  

Regarding the labyrinth, Jan especially appreciated Helga's comments.  She's happy to have this forum to tell Helga that she shares her interpretation of what the labyrinth symbolizes.  (i.e., similar to the Tohono O'odham's "man in the maze".)

Posted : 09/02/2021 1:04 pm
Dave Fleming
Member Admin


Hey Curtis 


Thanks for sharing thoughts in the forum. A few answers to some of your questions. 

You can still send checks to Aldea as you have in the past; checks are being processed by our team and the mail does come to an Aldea team member. 

Music is tough, you're right. We've used a couple of pieces over the months. Zoom doesn't have the best platform for music. We are working on ideas, but of course there are limitations. However, your thoughts are a good reminder to incorporate when we can. 


As far as the path of love, it's good to read your thoughts and that you're considering how to walk that path. I'm delighted that you're a part of our community. 



Posted : 11/02/2021 7:33 am